CDA Slammers FC HB Return to Play Log In
Please enter the following information and submit 1 hour prior to your child arriving to the field. Your diligent participation helps keep everyone safe. Thank you!
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Today's Date *
Participation Start Time *
Participation Venue *
Player's First & Last Name *
Player's Date of Birth *
Team Gender *
Team Birth Year *
Coach's Last Name *
Parent/Guardian First & Last Name *
(Optional) Additional Email Address
I acknowledge my child does not have a fever.(≥100.4 degrees F) *
Parent/Guardian please initial:
I acknowledge my child has not had any close contact with a sick individual or anyone with a confirmed case of COVID-19. *
Parent/Guardian please initial:
I acknowledge my child has not had a documented case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days. *
Parent/Guardian please initial:
I acknowledge my child is not currently demonstrating or suffering from any ill symptoms. *
Parent/Guardian please initial:
I acknowledge that I give my child permission to return to play. *
Parent/Guardian please initial:
I acknowledge that the information above is true and correct. Please electronically sign below: *
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