Wails usage survey
Help Shape the Future of Cross-Platform Development!

Dear Wails Community Member,

Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey. Your input is invaluable to us!

At Wails, we're passionate about empowering developers to create powerful, efficient cross-platform applications. To ensure we're meeting your needs and to guide our future development efforts, we'd love to learn more about how you use Wails and what you envision for its future.

This survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Your responses will help us:

  1. Understand our user base better
  2. Identify areas where we can improve
  3. Prioritize new features and enhancements
  4. Address any pain points in the development process
  5. Explore potential new directions for Wails
Your feedback will directly influence the roadmap of Wails, ensuring that our efforts make a real, positive difference in your development experience.

All responses are anonymous and will be kept confidential. 

Thank you for being part of the Wails community. Your participation in this survey is a valuable contribution to the open-source ecosystem.

Let's shape the future of cross-platform development together!


The Wails Team

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