My Care
Pair Plan
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Nanny Pair
Nanny Pair is a Nanny Agency Pairing Nannies & Families together. Our full service Nanny Placement Plan allows us to create, customize and deliver exceptional care to our Families and we have streamlined the childcare process with our My Care Plan. My Care gives our Families the opportunity to hire date night, transportation help and even last minute care through our new booking platform.
Our new portal will allow you to view all of your childcare jobs on an easy to use app where you can create your profile, share your availability in a calendar, pick the areas you would like to travel to and even choose what Families you would like to work with based on a wonderful feature that will text you directly when a Family books with you. 
Share your childcare experience: 
Please share a brief description of the child(ren) ages, responsibilities, length of time etc.
Skills you are comfortable with: *
Have you viewed our website? *
What is a Nanny Extraordinaire and what is your power?
Safety for you and our Families is our number one priority. Our vetting process includes a video call, in-person meeting and background check. Please check the days and times that work best for you to connect for an initial video call.
Choose best time(s) and day(s)
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