Cultivating employee well-being  in Mississippi
Available as a half day event or five (5) 45 minute meetings.
In person OR Virtually
Mississippi businesses that advocate for employee well-being & are socially conscious enterprises are eligible.

What is covered?
-The program fee,
-Equipment & PA system rental fee
-Access to online content after the completion of the program.
What is not covered?
-Travel 30+ miles beyond the zip code 39110. If Dr. Igor needs to travel beyond 30 miles to deliver the program in person, the organizer is responsible for travel reimbursement charged at $0.625 per mile.
-Overnight stay & meals in case of multiple programs delivered over consecutive days.
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
이메일 *
Organization Contact Person's Name *
Phone Number *
Organization's name *
Which format do you prefer? *
For Half Day in person option ONLY.  It's done in three sessions. Session 1 - 1.5h, Session 2 - 45 min, Session 3 - 1.5h (breaks in between). Please choose one option
The grant requires a MINIMUM of SIX (6) employees or staff members to be present for THE WHOLE DURATION OF THE PROGRAM. *
Your estimated preferred dates for the program?  Program must be completed by the end of 2022. *
Do you understand the benefits of the program? If not, please visit: *
Did you view the sample content of the program? If not, please visit: *
Do you have any questions?
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