Create an API Token
You will need to provide RSR with an API token that we will use in order to securely access your account. API tokens are created within Heartland Retail by a logged in user. The user who creates the API Token must have the following permissions in order for the locally feed to function properly. Note that you can use ANY user with these permissions, but it may make sense to create a separate user for security purposes.
Reporting analysis
Group reports by location
Group reports by item
View source sales metric
View current inventory levels
View ending inventory values
Manage items and grids
View inventory current values
Manage locations, stations and cash drawers
Manage custom fields
In addition to the permissions above, the user must also have rights to access the locations that you will be publishing to Locally. Or, you can enable all locations for the user.
Once you have signed in to Heartland Retail as a user that has the above permissions, please create your token:
1. Hover over the name of the signed-in user at the top right of the page, then click on "My Account".
2. Click on "API Tokens".
3. Click the “Generate new token” button. This will bring you to the “New API Token” page.
4. Type in a description for the API Token. It can be anything, but we recommend "RSR Locally".
5. Click the “Generate Token” button.
6. API Token will appear. Be sure to copy your new API token now. You won’t be able to see it again.
7. Click the “Done” button.
8. Enter the Token in the form below.