Teaching hard of hearing children
This is a quick survey that asks questions about the academic struggles of deaf/hard of hearing children while in school or at home and how they can be overcome. 

I am a product design student currently working on a project aimed at improving educational products and services for deaf and hard-of-hearing children. As part of my research, I am reaching out to educators who have experience working with deaf/hard-of-hearing students to gain valuable insights into the academic struggles they may encounter.

For further information my contact details:
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Q1 What type of school do you work in? *
Q2 How many deaf/hard of hearing children do you have in your class? *
Q3 What academic areas does your deaf/hard of hearing pupil struggle with the most? 

You can pick more than one option
Q4 If they struggle with probelm solving skills, are there any methods/techiques you use in class to improve them?
Q5 If they struggle with other skills please specify which ones and what methods/techniques you use in class to improve them?
Q6 What teaching methods do you use for hard of hearing children to learn more efficiently ? *
Q7 Do you teach in more visual ways for these children to understand better in class? *
Q8 What devices/products do you use in class to help these pupils hear and learn better? *
Q9 Do you use sign supported english during class? *
Q10 If you do use sign supported English is this beneficial and why ?
Q11 How could parents help their deaf/hard of hearing child academically ?

You can pick more than one option
Any other comments on how you or a parent can improve the academic abilities of deaf/hard of hearing children?
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