E-Mail-Adresse *
Name *
Phone Number *
Address *
Gender *
Instagram handle?
How did you find me? *
Birthday? *
Chelsea will travel in a 15 min radius from Body of Learning.  Is it your expectation that we train at Body of Learning (31815 Southfield Rd #30, Beverly Hills, MI 48025), in person at your home, or virtually? *
Give me a brief run down of where you're at with your health & fitness right now
Describe your ULTIMATE goal to me - in detail.  Where do you want to be? *
What makes you excited about this?
What has stopped from getting to your goal in the past?
Why is NOW the right time? *
Are you willing to invest in yourself to get the best possible results? *
Why should I choose to work with you?
Anything else I should know? *
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