Call For Presenters - FASS Spring Conference May, 2024
We were so excited to fill the agenda with member presentations like we did at the Fall conference. Our goal is to keep that trend going into the Spring conference. We learned so much from each other in October. Let's fill the Spring agenda!!!

It is expected that presentations to the Florida Association of Science Supervisors are professional in quality, and are intended to inform and improve how we develop and support science education across this diverse state. At this time, we are not accepting session proposals from vendors.  

Please email Heidi Alves at if you have any questions. Please use Spring FASS in the subject line.

-All proposals must be submitted by March 15th, 2024. FASS will notify individuals of acceptance to present by April 1st, 2024.

-FASS registration is $50.00, and our lodging is $132/night.  We will have a group rate for Florida Association of Science Supervisors. We have reserved a block of rooms for FASS membership (Group Rate Link to book your room). 

Please be prepared to provide a digital copy of your presentation that can be shared with the FASS membership.

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Presenter Name *
Name, position, and district or organization of the presenter(s). *
Presentation Title *
3. What is the email address of the main presenter? ALL contact will be made through this person. *
4. What is the phone number of the main presenter? *
5. Please select the Science and Engineering Practice(s) with which your presentation will align. *
Wajib diisi
6. Please select the focus grade band of the presentation. *
Wajib diisi
7. Please provide the abstract of your presentation (150 words or less). Keep in mind, this conference is an audience of district science supervisors that support teachers and students. PLEASE CHECK FOR SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!   *
Sales presentations WILL NOT be accepted without PRIOR approval from the FASS board, and require a financial commitment to sponsor a portion of the conference.  At this time, we are not accepting session proposals from vendors.
What activities will you use during your presentation to get participants out of their seats? This is a requirement! *
Looking for ideas?  Checkout these collaborative structures for inspiration!
How does your presentation enhance the work of science supervisors who are supporting classroom teachers? *
8. How much time will you need for your presentation? *
11. Additional Information
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