T1V Story Editor Certification: Content Manager
Demonstrate your expertise with our T1V Story Editor certification quiz.

This quiz has 10 questions and should take approximately 10-12 minutes to complete.

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As a Story Content Manager, which of the following can you update with T1V Story Editor? (Select all that apply) *
1 балл
Обязательный вопрос
To update content, what do you first need to do? *
1 балл
How can you tell the changes you made have been saved? *
1 балл
Where can you import content from a CSV file? *
1 балл
How do you add a new milestone to your Timeline? (Select all that apply) *
1 балл
Обязательный вопрос
How do you delete media?  *
1 балл
How would you upload a new image to a showcase page? *
1 балл
What happens when Playground Mode is on? *
1 балл
What do the hovering numbers over your interactive image represent? *
1 балл
How do you sync your updated Story to your Interactive Wall? (Select all that apply) *
1 балл
Обязательный вопрос
First Name *
Last Name *
Job Title *
Email *
What organization are you with? *
Location *
We'd love to share your success with the T1V Community. Enter your LinkedIn profile URL so we can give you a congratulatory shoutout! 
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