Textbook Lending Library Exit Survey
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Student ID#
Borrowed Textbook/Course
Semester/Year *
Have you used the Textbook Lending Library before? *
How did you learn about the Textbook Lending Library? (please select any that apply) *
What factors influenced you to use the Textbook Lending Library? (please select any that apply)
Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements, where 1=Strongly Disagree and 5=Strongly Agree *
The Textbook Lending Library was easy to use.
The course textbook(s) I wanted to borrow. was available
The Textbook Lending Library hours were sufficient for my needs.
The checkout time period was sufficient for my needs.
I would use the Textbook lending Library again in the future for available course textbooks.
I would recommend the Textbook Lending Library to others.
Do you have any additional comments, suggestions, or feedback for the Textbook Lending Library program?
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