Getting to know you!
Thank you for choosing Foottracks for your mystery adventure!  Tell us a little about yourself so we can personalize your experience and make sure that you have the best time possible!
Contact us at with any questions or concerns.
Kirjaudu Googleen, jotta voit tallentaa edistymisesi. Lue lisää
Sähköposti *
Name *
Email *
Best telephone number to reach you *
Who's going? *
List the names and ages of all attendees: *
What kind of experience would you prefer? *
Do you have any special interest (like sci-fi, comics, movie buff)? *
What are your food likes and dislikes? Any dietary restrictions, known allergies that would need to be avoided for your experience?
What is your favorite smell?
If you had a superpower, what would it be?
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Do you drink alcohol?
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If yes, what is your favorite drink?
Do you smoke?
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Do you like sports?
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If yes, what is your favorite sport?
How physically active are you?
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Are you celebrating an special occasion?
Can you swim or do you like water activities?
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Do you generally prefer activities indoors or outdoors?
What is your musical taste? Favorite artist/band?
Do you enjoy laughing/comedy?
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Are you a bookworm?
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What generally relaxes you?
List preferred date(s) of adventure.
Are there any activities, events or places that you have absolutely no desire to experience?
Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself or a member of your party that can help us tailor your experience? Please detail here if this experience is in celebration of an anniversary, birthday, etc.
Will you need childcare?
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If yes or maybe, list name(s) and ages of child(ren).
Will you need a dog sitter?
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Tyhjennä lomake
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