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AnywhereLab Teacher Feedback
Help Learning Undefeated understand what works and what doesn't with our distance learning program, AnywhereLabs!
This survey contains only 5 questions, and should take 5-10 minutes.
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* Indicates required question
Which AnywhereLab(s) have you used in your online classroom?
The Biodiesel Lab (High School)
It's All in Your Head (High School)
Looking into Lactase (High School)
Mystery of the Crooked Cell (High School)
Parasite Predicament (High School)
Transformation (High School)
Wildlife Forensics (High School)
Chemical and Physical Changes (Middle School)
DNA Extraction (Middle School)
Earthquake Resistant Structures (Middle School)
Moon Pops (Middle School)
Radon and Lung Cancer (Middle School)
What's in a Wave? (Middle School)
Wildlife Forensics (Middle School)
How were the materials used in your online classroom?
Whole unit plan was implemented
Specific pre-laboratory resources (videos and articles) were implemented
Specific pre-laboratory worksheets and keys were implemented
Specific laboratory resources and/or worksheets were implemented
Specific laboratory worksheets and keys were implemented
Specific post-laboratory resources and/or worksheets were implemented
Specific post-laboratory worksheets and keys were implemented
Walk through video of student handout was implemented
What can we do to help?
What other topics can we help develop materials for? What concepts are you finding hard to get through to students in a virtual setting?
Your answer
Where do you teach?
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What grade level do you teach?
High School (9-12)
Middle (6-8)
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