Language Comprehension Studies interest and eligibility questionnaire
Thank you for your interest in the Neuroplasticity and Development lab's research. Please fill out this brief questionnaire if you are interested in participating in the current studies. 

Please note that current studies examine language processing in American English. Because of this constraint, eligible participants are native English speakers who didn't learn another language before the age of 5. 

We are also matching volunteers with a previously collected group's age and education, and we will let you know as soon as possible if you are eligible for these studies. If you are eligible, a lab member will reach out to schedule study sessions. 
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Email *
Name *
Phone number *
Best form of contact (Email address or phone number) *
What are your availabilities during the week? *
What is your age? *
Gender *
What is your first language? *
Did you speak only English before the age of 5? *
What languages other than English do you currently speak? (please enter N/A if not applicable) *
What is your highest education level? *
How many years of education since first grade have you completed? *
Do you live within a 30-minute driving radius to Johns Hopkins University (3400 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD, 21218)? 
If not, please let us know what your home area is and what type of transportation you would need to get here
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