Pro days at Cirkuliacija festival 2024

We are delighted to extend our warmest invitation to you for the upcoming contemporary circus festival Cirkuliacija and Pro Days Program, taking place from May 30th to June 2nd in the vibrant city of Vilnius.

This event is tailored for international professionals in the performing arts and, particularly, circus enthusiasts. Whether you're a programmer, funder, producer, or industry expert, the Pro Days Program offers a unique platform for networking, learning, and collaboration. Hope to see you soon!

Everything about the festival
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REGISTRATION: please indicate which days and which activities you will be attending
MAY 30th: Lukiskes prison, Vilnius
MAY 31st: Arts Printing House, Vilnius
JUNE 1st: Arts Printing House, Vilnius
JUNE 2nd: Arts Printing House, Vilnius
you will need to purchase ticket for "Fora" (don't worry, we have discount for you!)
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