EOI: Science Comedy Talks Program by Future Science Talks
For information about the science comedy program, please visit this page: https://www.futuresciencetalks.com.au/science-comedy-program 

  • You work in science, social sciences or have technical subject knowledge such as humanitarian work, consultancy, AI, pharma, and much, much more.
  • You do not need experience in public speaking or comedy - we prioritise enthusiasm

Talk subjects
  • We feature a wide range of talk subjects: genetic engineering, cancer, toilets, emoji development, dwarf stars, wine flavours, drugs, energy, and many more.  If you're an expert in a topic, please fill out the EOI!

  • This is a two-month program that will help you to put together and deliver a 10-minute talk that's 20% humour and 80% science. 
  • You will learn a lot along the way - how to be a better storyteller and how to use humour more effectively

  • Numerous group and 1:1 workshops
  • Participation in a show for example at the Brisbane Comedy Festival, Sydney Comedy Festival, Adelaide Fringe, etc.

How we review the EOIs
  • When we look to producing a show in your city, we review all EOIs
  • We will contact shortlisted applicants only (we cannot contact every applicant due to significant interest in the program).
  • We do not list end dates to our EOI processes - we will fill the program on a first-come, first serve basis.
  • Do not delay your EOI submission or you will miss out!

  • Cost varies for each city and town where we run the program.  It is generally $350-500 ex GST.  
  • Most people get their work to cover the costs - yes, even PhD Candidates generally get funded by their unis!
  • For those unable to obtain a workplace contribution, you may self-fund your position in the program.
  • We do seek government grants where possible to help reduce program costs.

Other programs
  • For those unable to obtain a workplace contribution and unable to self-fund, you may still join another of our programs. Please fill out the EOI and we will contact you about these other programs.

Your full name *
Please check your city *
Your workplace/organisation and your title at your workplace

(For example: Jane Smith, PhD candidate at the Garvan Institute)
Email *
Mobile phone number *
Field of research in 1 sentence. *
Please provide some information about why you're interested in this program.  You may be as detailed or brief as you like. We recommend two sentences. *
Your Twitter handle (please write none if you don't have one) *
Your Instagram account, including your personal account if you have one
(please write none if you don't have one)
Are you interested in other shows?  *
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