Parent Feedback Survey
As we begin the 8th week of online learning, please take a moment to tell us how things are going. We will use your feedback to guide us as we move forward.
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My student is taking classes *
How is online learning working for you and your student?
It's horrible! We hate it!
It's great! We love it!
What has been the most difficult thing about online learning?
What has been the best thing about online learning?
About how much time per day does your student spend on school work? (This includes time spent in "class" and time spent on work outside of "class" time.)
If you could make one change to online learning, what would it be?
If it was an option for students to come back to school for face-to-face instruction next semester, would you send your student?
Is there anything else that you would like to share?
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このフォームは Alcona Community Schools 内部で作成されました。 不正行為の報告