Spring 2023 – Preteens and Teens
🧑 Drawwing Cabinet 🧑 is currently open for Spring 2023 Priority Enrollment!

Dates: January 9 (Mon) to June 3 (Sat)
Spring Break: April 3 to April 9
Class Capacity: 12 students per class

Priority Enrollment: November 15 to November 20
Open Enrollment: begins November 21

*Enrollment is offered on a first-come-first-serve basis and registration completed after maximum capacity will automatically be added to the waitlist.


🧑 (MON) Visual Thinking: Three, Two, Paint! 🧑
πŸ“… January 9 to May 22
⏰ Mondays, 5 – 7pm
πŸ“š $960 per semester (19 weeks, worth $1,140) OR $60 per class (enroll by the month)

🧑 (WED) Guided Projects 🧑
πŸ“… January 11 to May 31Β 
⏰ Wednesdays, 4:30 – 7:30pm
πŸ“š $1,785 per semester (20 weeks, worth $2,100) OR $105 per class (enroll by the month)

🧑 (FRI) Visual Thinking 🧑

πŸ“… January 13 to June 2
⏰ Fridays, 4 – 6pm
πŸ“š $1,020 per semester (20 weeks, worth $1,200) OR $60 per class (enroll by the month)

🧑 (SAT) Guided Projects AM🧑
πŸ“… January 14 to June 3
⏰ Saturdays, 10am – 1pm
πŸ“š $1,785 per semester (20 weeks, worth $2,100) OR $105 per class (enroll by the month)
*must be enrolled in 9th grade or above OR have taken 4 semesters of Foundation or Visual Thinking

🧑 (SAT) Guided Projects PM🧑
πŸ“… January 14 to June 3
⏰ Saturdays, 1pm – 4pm
πŸ“š $1,785 per semester (20 weeks, worth $2,100) OR $105 per class (enroll by the month)
*must be enrolled in 9th grade or above OR have taken 4 semesters of Foundation or Visual Thinking

Registering by the semester will include the following PERKS:
  • 3 Free classes
  • Priority enrollment for Fall 2023
  • 20% discount to all workshops
  • Invitations to all field trips
  • Perks may be shared with immediate family
Updated absence policy for students enrolling on a monthly basis:
  • Must notify absences in writing at least 48 hours prior to the start of class to receive class credit
  • Class credit offered up to 2 absences per semester
  • Missed classes from the student's 3rd absence in the semester will be chargedΒ 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Parent or Guardian's Full Name *
Email (used for all communication) *
Phone Number *
Student's Full Name *
Student's Date of Birth *
Student's School *
Student's Grade
Which class(es) are you registering for? *
Enrollment options (please refer to class details above for tuition rate, perks, and policies) *
Have you read our Absence Policy? *
To promote accessibility for art education, we are proud to offer one scholarship opportunity (tuition for the semester) for those who are struggling financially. If you want to be considered for this need-base scholarship, please write a paragraph below to help us better understand your financial hardships and how the scholarship can help you. You must submit by December 20 to be considered.
Method of payment *
Referred by (current student name, Google, Instagram, etc.)
Consent and Waiver *
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