Buyer Questionnaire 
Initial discovery information reuqest
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First and Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
If you own your current home do you need to sell it in order to purchase? *
If there is a gap between your current and next home, do you have a temporary place to stay?
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What is your timeline for finding your next home?
What property are you looking for?
What type of property are you looking for? *
How many bedrooms are you looking for?
How many bathrooms are you looking for?
What property conditions are you comfortable with purchasing?
Will this be a Financing or Cash Purchase? *
Are there any other important aspects of your life your future home or property should support?
Are there any specific neighborhoods you are interested in exploring?
What price range are you looking in?
Do you have any upfront budget/financial concerns?
Anything else that you believe I should know to best assist you with your home purchase?
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