Open edX Mobile Community Input
We need your input on Open edX Mobile! Thanks for taking the time.

This survey has questions covering a few topics, answer as many as you can spanning:  
-  Open edX mobile development / customization,
-  Open edX mobile app client usage / adoption,
-  Roadmap Feedback / Input for the Open edX mobile experience.

Thanks for your help as we explore the Open edX mobile product strategy / roadmap as part of the FC-0011 Axim Collaborative funded contribution. 

You are also welcome to join #
mobile-prod-strategy-fc-0011 on Slack to continue the conversation. 

อีเมล *
Organization Affiliation 
Individual contributor? Filling this out on behalf of an organization? let us know below. 
Open edX Mobile Development:

Which of the following describes your development support / usage of Open edX mobile apps today.

Our organization: 
Open edX Mobile Customization

[If Applicable] Can you share a bit about what kinds of customization work (including theming) your team has done to support your mobile app efforts?  Any themes or common issues here to call out? 
Open edX Mobile Client Usage - Q1 

Can you share a bit about your client interest / usage of Open edX mobile? 
Open edX Mobile Client Usage - Q2

Are you maintaining builds for clients today, and if not can you share a bit what the limitations are for interest / adoption of Open edX mobile? 
Open edX Mobile Client Usage - Q3

What (if anything) has prevented you from offering your learners a native mobile experience?
Open edX Mobile Roadmap Feedback / Input

Suggestions / Notes welcome, or link to external documents or references if helpful
Can we contact you to learn more? 
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