Fall 2021 Project Sourcing Form
Thank you for your interest in working with Hack4Impact Cornell! Please fill out our form so we can get a better idea about your organization and mission. We'll be in touch shortly to follow up with you about next steps.
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What is the name of your organization? *
What is your organization's mission? *
Who is the main point of contact for your organization? *
What is the best way to reach you? *
Please list your email and optionally your phone number.
Please add a link to your organization's website or online presence. *
Describe your organization's current technology capacity. Does your organization have a technical / IT team? Do you have a webmaster? Who is in charge of your web presence? *
What are some of the biggest challenges that your organization is currently facing? *
Please feel free to expand upon your answers and provide as much context as you would like to help us better understand these issues.
Please describe any technical solutions that you may have in mind.
These solutions can be related to the above question on problems or challenges. If you don't have any ideas as of right now, that is totally fine. If you do, please include: Details of the project, what sort of impact you believe it will have, and how soon you would need it developed by.
Thank you for taking the time to fill out our form! We'll be in touch with you shortly to schedule a call and take next steps.
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