DrupalACT Speaker Registration
Thank you for offering to present at an upcoming DrupalACT meetup. Please take a moment to fill out the form and let us know a bit about yourself and your presentation.

By default, our presentations are run as a hybrid: in-person, online (google meet), and recorded for publishing on the DrupalSouth YouTube account.

Your presentation length should be around 30 minutes. While we recommend being at the venue, we can accomodate for remote speakers too.

Presenters and all attendees are expected to adhere to the DrupalSouth Code of conduct, available at https://drupalsouth.org/code-of-conduct. If you are unable to adhere to the code of conduct, we ask that you please do not submit a presentation. 
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Name: *
Email: *

eg: “Samantha is a Senior Drupal Developer at Imagination Agency where she helps non-profit organisations deliver award-winning Drupal projects.” Please indicate pronouns here.
Date preference: *
Audience preference:  *
Presentation title: (will be published on meetup.com) *
Presentation summary: (will be published on meetup.com) *
Special requirements

This could include accessibility requirements, low lighting, or any other form of support. This information is kept in strict confidence
Other details

Let us know if you'd like to run through your presentation privately before the night, or your preferred pizza topping.
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