Please select from the opportunities below that most interest you in getting involved. We would love to have you come join us in the trenches & sidelines of soccer season behind the scenes excitement!
•The Corner Kick Club is the Manheim Township Boys Soccer Booster
Club. We are a volunteer organization comprised of parents and coaches. Our
mission is to raise funds to enhance the Manheim Township Boys Soccer Program,
support the athletes and coaches, and promote the team in the community.
•Funds raised through events like the MT youth soccer camp and our
team program help purchase the shirts given to the players their 1st day of practice,
pizza parties (beginning and end of season), equipment, team bonding opportunities and other items that are not able
to be purchased with the school budget.
•CKC meetings are
held March, May, June, August, September, October, November and are open to
parents who have a child on the team.