⚡️ Reverse Retreat with Anne ⚡️
What is a reverse retreat?

My Reverse Retreats let the client and me “live together” for a few days and push the curtain back *whoosh!* on how vibrant healthy living really can be and dive into every day habits that shape your life, and actually REST with out an overpacked schedule to distract you from yourself..  I aim to make strength and health as accessible as it can be for you, hence the term "Reverse Retreat."

In 2023, magic was created with my clients in the mountains of Mammoth Lakes,  by the ocean in British Columbia, Vancouver, the lavender fields of Albuquerque & the best-smelling Asheville sauna.  

For 2024, I'd love just start a conversation with anyone else interested in booking one with me -- perhaps with a very small group -- or just you! Typically, you'd be a personal training client (hi maybe you already are!) or you want to start strength training and build up to habit design and adventure out of your comfort zone with a sidekick (me) in a joyful, safe space, whether if that's me visiting you or we design something custom.

Maybe you also just want to hang out and pick up some cool ideas that make healthy living seem accessible and realistic - not in a $20 dollar smoothie a day way - in a revitalizing location!?

Because testimonials are super helpful, here's one! 

"During the reverse retreat, Anne really leveled up my life by identifying key areas to tweak. The changes she has helped me identify and implement may appear small by themselves, but collectively, they pack a powerful punch. My energy level is up, my strength is up, my balance is improved. 

Those effects spill over into other parts of my life, as the questions Anne poses to me and the exercises we do apply beyond our work sessions. 

Anne works with me and personalizes the work for me to a degree that I feel completely seen and understood - and supported.  I cannot recommend the reverse retreat, or Anne's 1:1 coaching work, enough!"

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What's your name!? Nickname & preferred pronouns?
What kind of magic are you interested in?
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Small groups will likely be divided up for all hearing, for all Deaf/HoH/signers, and/or have an interpreter present for mixed groups! Which one are you? 
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Do you want to pick a location with me? 
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What is the max amount you would be willing to invest? 
Tell me what would make you excited about a Reverse Retreat together!?
What do you want to do on your Reverse Retreat? 
How would you feel about Central America? 
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How would you feel about Mexico?
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How would you feel about British Columbia / Vancouver Island?
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How would you feel about Hawaii? 
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How would you feel about the US?
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If you said US, what states? 
How far are you willing to travel? what is YOUR #1 choice?
What did I miss, if anything, in the previous question? 
Let me know the best way to get in touch with you and keep the conversation going! ⚡️ 🪩 ✈️
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