Run 712 @ Fluorspar, Sego Resort, Elgeyo Marakwet
You haven’t made it to the recreational runners list in Kenya if you haven’t done the legendary Fluorspar Run. Dubbed the ‘runner’s rite of passage run’, it is staged from Sego Resort (altitude 1250 m) and takes you on a most scenic route that ends up at Nyaru (altitude 2,750 m) - elevation gain of approx 1,500 m!

Date: 26th August, 2023
Distances: 21, 35 & 43Km

Venue: Sego Safari Lodge
Contact for reservations: Abraham +254 724 521537. Negotiated BB rates/night :
• Single room = 2,500 pp
• Double room = 3,200

Group transport @ 3,000 KSH pp return on first come basis; hired 22 seater Coaster departs 10am Friday from Hurlingham Shell Service Station, return on Sunday 10am

Bonfire party after the run . Plan to get your groove on for recovery. Mbuzi and Mursik on the house.

Starting times
43km 5am
35km 6am
21km 7am
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If you are a guest, please pay 600KES guest fees to the club's m pesa number 0740 912 116 (Samuel Waweru) and enter confirmation code below (if transport and guest fees paid in one, just enter the code once either here or below).
If interested in the group transport, please pay 3,000KES to the club M pesa number, 0740 912 116 (Samuel Waweru) and enter confirmation code below. 
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