Holiday Book Fair & Exchange Vendor Form
Saturday December 21st from 10-3 pm @ the Walden Galleria 

We are SO excited for our annual Holiday Book Fair!  Being that this is the weekend before Christmas, we know the mall will be busy and we'll have a great turnout! 

There is NO vendor fee, and each vendor will be provided with a 10x10 space with one 8 ft table and two chairs. If you need more tables within that space, you may bring them. 

As always, the Galleria Mall requires that we have all vendors donate at least 25% back to ACS at the end of the event to be fair to their stores who pay much more in rent to sell there. 

Our only ask to secure your place is to fill out the form below and agree to donate a basket to the charity raffle that will be happening that day. This year there will also be an area where people can have their gifts wrapped by volunteers for a donation to the American Cancer Society as well. 

We are happy to bring back our massive free little library, and any books left over at the end of the day will be donated to our lodging programs for cancer patients in wny. 

If you have any questions or feedback I’m happy to hear it! 

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What is your business/store name and what will you be selling? 
Please include your social media handles so we can tag you in our posts promoting the event. 
Please confirm you agree to make a 25% donation back to the American Cancer Society, and donate one item to the charity basket raffle. 
If you have any questions, please call or text Dylyn at 716-725-9696
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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