Test your knowledge about students in foster care, and about AB 490
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On average on any given day, there are approximately 400 children in foster care in Monterey County. *
1 point
Just over 11% are between the ages of 16-17. *
1 point
The suspension rate for students in foster care in California is 15.2%. *
1 point
AB 490 is known as the Educational Bill of Rights for students in foster care. *
1 point
Under AB 490, students in foster care have a right to remain at the school of origin for as long as the court has jurisdiction over the student's placement. If a student exits court jurisdiction during the school year, the student still has the right to remain at that school through the end of the academic year if the student is in K-8. If it ends when the student is in high school, the student has a right to remain at that school through graduation. Students have a right to re-enroll at their school of origin if they have changed schools due to a placement change. *
1 point
How long must students wait to be enrolled in school? *
1 point
AB 490 requires LEAs to designate a Foster Student Liaison. *
1 point
How long does a school have to transfer school records after receiving a transfer request? *
1 point
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) are entitled to view the educational records of their youth. *
1 point
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