2025 VILTA Annual Conference Presenter's Expression of Interest
Please complete the below form if you are interested in presenting a topic at our annual conference. If you have any questions please contact the event organiser Ibu Astrid Dux at axd@stbedes.catholic.edu.au . You will be contacted in order to confirm any presentations.

All presentations / workshops should contain content that is relevant and useful for teachers of Indonesian. They should ideally also refer to our conference theme this year "Indonesia bukan hanya bahasa" - "Indonesia is more than just a language".
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Full name/s: *
Email/s: *
Mobile number:
Proposed Presentation / Workshop Title: *
Short summary of your proposed presentation / workshop *
Target Audience:
How does your proposed presentation contribute to the knowledge of Indonesian teaching and/or reflect out conference theme - "Indonesia bukan hanya bahasa" *
Any additional comments / questions:
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