ALAO Continuing Education Grant Application
The Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) Continuing Education Grant is awarded each year to support the cost of participating in professional development opportunities such as conferences, workshops, seminars, which are related to the member’s current position, pursuit of a professional library degree, or growth of DEI knowledge and leadership. Current ALAO members are eligible to apply for funds to defray the costs of attending any library-related educational opportunity occurring during the calendar year (January-December 2025). Up to $2,500 can be distributed between multiple award winners.

The deadline for applications is Friday, January 31, 2025.

More information about this grant can be found here:

The rubric used to evaluate applications can be found here:
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Email *
Last name *
First name *
Current ALAO member *
I  confirm that I did not receive this grant in 2022, 2023, or 2024.
Current job title or degree program: *
Current employer and/or university: *
Event name (e.g. ACRL 2024, UXD 20001 Introduction to User Experience Design at Kent State University) *
Link to event webpage:
Event dates: *
Projected total cost to attend the event (e.g. $550). *
Itemize projected costs for registration, travel, meals, etc. If you will incur travel costs, please include the event location and specify the planned type of transportation (e.g. car, airline, etc.): *
Amount and source of financial support expected from other sources (e.g. $200, University of Akron staff development funds):
What percentage of the total cost will you be responsible for if you do not receive this award? *
How will the proposed activity support your performance in your current work duties, or your ability to pursue a degree in librarianship? (300-700 words) *
How will the proposed activity will benefit your career development and help you achieve your long term goals as an academic librarian? (300-700 words) *
Please provide any additional information you would like to share:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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