Seeker Survey
Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us enhance our platform to better serve job seekers like yourself. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

P.S: This survey contains credits to get free survey responses at and
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Email *
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Education Level
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Job Search Resources
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Employment Status *
Frequency of Job Searches:
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Preferred Communication Channels for Job Opportunities
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Level of Experience
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Desired Job Types (select all that apply)
Preferred Industries or Job Sectors (if any)
How long have you been looking for a job?
Clear selection
On average, how many jobs have you applied to?
How often do you hear back from hiring managers after submitting applications?
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How do you feel during the job search process?
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How satisfied are you with existing job search tools or platforms?
Not Satisfied
Clear selection
Do you feel you're adequately represented by your resume?
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What are the biggest challenges you face during the job search process?
What frustrations do you encounter with existing job search platforms or processes?
Any additional feedback or comments you'd like to share?
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