Roosevelt County Fair Small Business Showcase
The purpose of the RCF Small Business Showcase is to share the unique businesses within the Roosevelt County Fair area.  There are a variety of options to choose from when showcasing your business.  

1. 1' table space of information (free)
2. 3' table space of information and product sample (Free, available on a per-space basis)
3. 3" space on our showcase flyers which will be posted throughout the grounds and available for potential clients to take ($20)
4.  Time slot to give out products or freebies (swag items, ice cream, etc.)
5. Other advertising opportunities are available. Please contact us for more details

It is your responsibility to get supplies to the fair office.  We will set up your space, if requested.  We do not have signage racks or displays. Set up will take place on Tuesday, August 8.

This is NOT our vendor form.  If you would like a full 8'x8' booth, we welcome that as well and the form can be found at

Fees may be paid on our website, or a check can be mailed to PO Box 730 Culbertson, MT 59218.  Flyers will be printed Friday, July 28.
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Business Name *
Business representative
Business Email
Business Phone
Business Physical Address
Business Website
Type of Business (Clothing, Auto Parts, Construction, Etc.) *
I would like to include the following on the showcase spreadsheet directory *
I would like the following space: *
Sample of showcase flyer
Questions, comments, concerns, etc.
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