GONA Community Agreements &  Follow up Questions/Suggestions
You are all sacred and we want to create a safe, welcoming & healing space for everyone. To assist with this, we are drafting some community agreements everyone will be expected to uphold:

1. Open Hearts and Minds! We would like everyone to recognize we are all a part of a family of communities where healing and the reduction of trauma is our ultimate goal.  

2. Take Space/ Make Space - If you are usually quiet, challenge yourself to take more space, and if you usually take a lot of space, be mindful to leave room for quieter voices.

3. Break Down Barriers of Colonization!  Recognize that people who are descendants of the original people of their homelands are also Indigenous and ‘Native’.  Uplift that peoples from what is now known as Mexico, Canada, and into Panama, are our brothers and sisters.  During this gathering, we are so looking forward to being in community with our Native and Indigenous relatives across the region and excited to support each other on our healing journey.

Please let us know if you have other suggestions of questions you'd like us to answer!!
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What do you need from every person in this group in order to feel safe, supported, open, productive and trusting… SO THAT we can do our best healing work and serve our students well, do our best work, and achieve our common vision? (Feedback/suggestions/additions to the community agreements?)
Do you have any other Questions that aren't on the FAQ website?
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