2024 4-H Presentations

Learn the art of public speaking at our upcoming presentation workshops!  Presentations are quintessential to 4-H!  Presentations may sound intimidating, but once you've learned a few tips and tricks it's as easy as talking to a friend!

Presentations are a great way to polish your public speaking skills!  They also increase self-confidence, help you gain better communication skills and increase your knowledge of a subject area.  Presentations not only help with skills in the short-term but for life!

Who can present?  All 4-H youth (5-18).  Please make sure youth are registered in 4-H Online.  Here's a link to help register if needed!

Other Important Dates:

County Presentation Day - May 23 (time to be announced closer to date)

District Activity Day Presentations  - June 14 (details TBA)

If you have any questions, please contact your local 4-H Agent (Leah Jorgensen - Leah_Jorgensen@ncsu.edu or 828-456-3575)

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
Name of youth? (First and Last) *
Age of Youth? (Age as of January 1, 2024) *
What category do you think your presentation falls into?  (This can change if need be!). Click the link below and scroll down to where it says "Presentation categories are listed under one of the following headings" 

Parent/Guardian attending with youth: *
Parent/Guardian attending phone number: *
Parent/Guardian attending email:
In order to be part of presentations, youth will need to be enrolled in 4-H Online.  Take some time to go ahead and complete enrollment for this year if you haven't already.

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