AV-MAVT 2023 Football tournament
Date: Tuesday, Mai 23th
(Alternative date if the weather prohibits the tournament from taking place: 30th of Mai)

Time: Starting at 16:00 (1st game 16:05) until ca. 19:00
Location: Irchel Campus; Football fields (47.399151 N , 8.545916 E)

Sign up before Mai 16th!!!

-  7-10 Members per Team (min. 7 playing; bring spares if possible!)
- Whenever your team is not playing, one member of your team will be the referee in another game
- The facilities of ASVZ at Irchel can be used to change clothing and shower
- Drinks and snacks will be provided
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Team name *
Team members *
Please fill out in this format
[Number 1-10]  [First name]  [Last name]

The 1st person will be the team captain
Person 8 to 10 are optional and will be spare players
Who is your designated refere, for whenever you are not playing?
Please provide two names.
(Main referee and Backup referee)
Email of team captain *
Will you and your team play fairly? *
Anything specific you want to let us know/Wishes regarding the event:
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