Oak Grove Middle School: Plan A
The Davidson County Board of Education decided at a called meeting on March 18, 2021 that traditional schools could move to Plan A beginning Monday, April 12th, the first day after spring break. The purpose of this survey is to gather information needed for planning purposes.  We would like a response for each of our students. Every family can choose what best meets their student's needs beginning April 12th despite previous decisions (unless a student at the Davidson Online Academy).

Please note the following:  
-There is no option to attend only two days a week.
-Plan A has limited social distancing (maximized when possible), but masks are still worn and other preventative measures are still in place.
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Last Name of Student: *
(Legal) First name of Student: *
Grade: *
Homeroom Teacher *
Parent Name *
Parent Phone:  
Parent Email:
What attendance plan will your student follow? *
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