Library visit - History 103
QuickSearch challenge - let's take it for a spin!
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Using the library QuickSearch, find the complete text of Thomas Paine's "Rights of Man" online in a modern edition (published after 1950). Paste in an MLA style citation for the edition you chose.
Find the call number for a print copy of Rights of Man and paste it below.
Find a cartoon featuring Thomas Paine and describe what is happening in it.
Find a portrait of Thomas Paine. Paste in the citation that the source gives.
Find a published response to "Rights of Man" from before 1800. Enter the title and year of publication.
Find a recent book (published this century) about Paine's "Rights of Man" and paste in the MLA citation.
Find a newspaper article about Thomas Paine published after 2000. What is the name of the newspaper that published it?
Find a documentary film about the life of Thomas Paine. What is the title?
Find a peer reviewed article in a journal that focuses on Rights of Man as its main subject. Paste in an MLA style citation.
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