2025 Trash Trap Program ListServ Sign Up
Thank you for volunteering with our Trash Trap program! 

As of November 2024, we have eight operational "Trash Traps" in Durham Third Fork Creek, Durham Northeast Creek, Greensboro Barber Park, Greensboro Mile Run Creek, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Pittsboro, and Burlington, and we plan to add another in Durham within the coming months.

Sign up to be part of the crew at any of the locations, and you're welcome to join any (or all!!) of the cleanouts at that location. We typically have clean-outs on the last Saturday of every month, with a few exceptions. We'll send out emails 2 weeks before each clean-out to remind everyone and confirm who will be able to make it. In 2025, clean ups will be held: 11/23, 1/25, 2/22, 3/29, 4/26, 5/31, 6/28, 7/26, 8/30, 9/20, 10/25, & 11/22. 

You'll get all the invitations/emails about the clean-outs, and you're welcome to join whenever you can! 

Please also consider becoming a Haw River Assembly member and keep the Trash Trap program going! Memberships are on a sliding scale and can be secure here: https://hawriver.org/join-hra/

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