South Dakota WIOA Title II Performance Guidelines Survey
After watching the five webinars outlining the key performance components of WIOA Title II, complete the following survey to demonstrate your knowledge of WIOA Title II performance as it applies to your program.
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In order to be a participant in Title II a student must: *
Briefly explain the difference between a participant and a reportable: *
If someone is employed, you would not mark any barriers to employment. *
You are required to collect documentation of all barriers to employment. *
Participants are exited from a program if: *
Participants can not have more than one period of participation (PoP) in a program year. *
When someone enters your program for the second time during a program year after a gap of at least 90 days they are treated like a new participant in terms of data collection. *
How many Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) can a participant have in each period of participation (PoP)? *
Mark ALL ways South Dakota participants can achieve a Measurable Skill Gain (MSG): *
Participants who are still enrolled are included in employment performance indicators and credential attainment indicators. *
Every participant is counted in employment indicators regardless of their employment status upon entry into the program. *
In which quarter(s) are participants' employment data collected? (Mark all that apply) *
In which quarter(s) are participants' median earnings collected? *
A participant who has attained their GED is automatically counted for the Credential Attainment Indicator regardless of employment or postsecondary status within a year after program exit. *
Name one reason for exit that will exclude a participant from all performance indicators: *
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