Nooricakes - Order Form
Hi and thank you for ordering a cake from me.  200% of all proceeds from your order will be donated to my favorite charity, Alexandria House --  My parents have kindly offered to match every order donation made, doubling the amount that goes to charity! ❤️🙏

So, please fill out the order request and we will contact you to go over details and availability before the order is scheduled and completed.

If you have any questions please call my parents or send an email to

Thank you!

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Email *
Your name *
What color(s) would you like to order? *
Please note that cake decorations are not included.  Noor uses all organic ingredients and makes her ice-creams from scratch.
When do you need your order by? *
Noor will try to say yes to all requests, but school, life and being a kid come first. :)
[OPTIONAL] Please let us know how much you would like to donate for your order.
200% of proceeds (2x) of your donation will go to Noor's favorite charity,
Please let Noor know any details or comments
Noor will try to say yes to all requests, but simpler is better.
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