4th Grade - Week 11
Please watch this video from me and then answer the few questions below!  ~Mr. Driscoll

BEFORE YOU WATCH THE VIDEO - You need to have a copy of our new song of the week 'Hey Jack' and you'll need to have gotten your Recorder Feedback form back.  If you don't have these from Mrs. Webb/Mrs. Haffner yet, please WAIT until you do.  Pages should be sent home Monday with in-person learners.  (**If you did not submit a video last week, I can't get you feedback!  You won't be able to complete this week's assignment until you turn in last week's video!)

If you need to redo your white belt, here's the link to our Grid: https://flipgrid.com/monroe4th20 
Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
Watch this week's video!
Type your name (first & last) *
What did you think of our "Hey Jack" song? *
Esborra el formulari
No enviïs mai contrasenyes a través de Formularis de Google.
Aquest formulari s'ha creat dins del domini Monroe Grade School District # 70. Informa d'un ús abusiu