Kefir Kits 
Kefir grains bought from the store will only work in pasteurized milk unless they've been "transitioned" to raw milk.

We've done the transitioning for you! Our kefir grains are 100% ready for your raw milk.

Our kefir kits include approximately 1 TBSP of kefir grains in a pint of our delicious raw milk.

Simply pour into a quart jar and fill with milk and your first batch of raw milk kefir will be ready in a day or two.

Orders will be filled as they are received.

If you are currently a milk customer, your kefir kit will be available for you at pick up.

Non milk customers must pick up kefir kits from the farm store.  No shipping is available.
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Phone number (you'll receive a text about your order) *
How would you like to pay for your kit? $15 *
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