Ottawa Cubing cube meet RSVP
Use this form to RSVP for Ottawa Cubing cube meets. Filling out this form will help anticipate the number of people attending to ensure a safe environment for everyone. Keeping track of participants is also necessary in the event of contact tracing being required.

All of the cube meets will take place Rideau Center food court. Find the people with the Rubik's Cubes, likely on a table near the Shanghai 360. You may participate in more than one event, but please fill out this form for every time you attend.

Face masks will also be recommend during the event.
Which meetups are you attending? *
What are the names of people attending? *
Contact person's email *
How did you hear about this event?
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Comments and/or questions
What activities would you like to see happen at these cube meets?
Example: Solving practice, cube talk, show and share, open time, group solving, etc
All ideas are welcomed!
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