2019 MetaSUB Meeting Registration Form
The 5th Annual MetaSUB Conference will be held in Istanbul on August 29-31 2019.
The meeting starts at with an optional dinner at 5PM on August 29 and finishes at 11AM on August 31.

Keynote Speakers Include:

Laurie Garrett, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist about microbes and infectious disease (https://www.lauriegarrett.com/).

Lynn Schriml, Associate Professor, President of the Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC), and MetaSUB Leader (https://www.medschool.umaryland.edu/profiles/Schriml-Lynn/).

Please fill out the registration form below to secure your seat at the meeting and provide information to book your hotel room. For more details about the hotel see here: https://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/istmc-istanbul-marriott-hotel-asia/?scid=bb1a189a-fec3-4d19-a255-54ba596febe2

If you would like to present a poster, give a talk, or have questions, please contact the Organizing Committee at metasubway@gmail.com

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Name *
Affiliation *
Title/position (professor, researcher, post-doc, etc...) *
Metasub Hub City *
Are you a MetaSUB PI (lead or co-lead for your city)? *
Are you a student? *
Are you interested in giving a talk/presenting a poster? *
If yes, what type of presentation are you interested in giving? *
Please submit at abstract to metasubway@gmail.com
Details here: http://metasub.org/call-for-abstracts-2/. Please provide a short summary about your research and attach your abstract in the email. Deadline for abstract submission is July 19th.
When are you planning to check in? *
When are you planning to check out? *
Name of adult(s) staying in the room? *
Date of birth of adult(s) staying in the room *
If accompanied by kids, please provide name and date of birth *
Are you interested in car pool from and to the airport (YES/NO, number of persons) *
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