Survey on the 123rd Philippine Civil Service Anniversary (FOR GENERAL PUBLIC)

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) would like to know what you think about the celebration of the 123rd Philippine Civil Service Anniversary (PCSA) last September 2023. We hope that you can spare us some time to answer the survey below.

(Note: If you are a government worker, including job order/contract of service, please answer this questionnaire instead:

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Please select your age group: *
Please select your gender identity: *
Please select the region where you reside: *
How did you learn about the 123rd Philippine Civil Service Anniversary? (check all that applies) *
Wajib diisi
In general, how satisfied were you with how the anniversary celebration was held this year? *
Are you familiar with the theme of the anniversary celebration? *

The CSC has introduced a 10-year theme, "Transforming Public Service in the Next Decade: Honing Agile and Future-Ready Servant Heroes." The central topic for this year’s celebration was DYNAMISM.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Strongly Agree
Strongly disagree
The 10-year theme represents or captures the government’s present situation and future direction.
Cultivating dynamism among government workers is important to achieve strengthened organizational resilience and sustainable management.
It is important for government employees to better understand how digital transformation can improve their agency’s systems, processes, and services.
Did you participate in any of the PCSA events/activities this year? *
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