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Fieldwork Patterns Tester Group
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Email Address:
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Sewing Level
Beginner - fairly new to sewing
Intermediate - have been sewing for a while
Advanced - lots of experience
Which size best fits you?
UK 6-8
UK 10-12
UK 14-16
UK 18-20
UK 22-24
Please provide BUST measurement in cm or inches:
Your answer
Please provide WAIST measurement in cm or inches:
Your answer
Please provide HIP measurement in cm or inches:
Your answer
Please provide height in cm or inches:
Your answer
What age range are you?
Under 18
18 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 55
55 and over
Have you tested for any other pattern company? I so please specify:
Your answer
If you have a blog or social media account where you post photos of your sewing projects please share a link:
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