College Vocab Set #6 Review
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Marked by conspicuous or pretentious display, showy *
1 point
Having unsuitable feminine qualities *
1 point
Happening by chance; fortunate *
1 point
 Excessively wasteful; recklessly extravagant *
1 point
Harsh sounding; grating *
1 point
Fertile, fruitful; productive *
1 point
 A subtle expression of meaning or quality *
1 point
 Severe or stern in appearance; undecorated *
1 point
 Intense, forceful, powerful *
1 point
A forcefully reproachful protest *
1 point
 Cheerful and lighthearted *
1 point
To reduce the value of, debase, spoil, make ineffective *
1 point
Ruddy, cheerfully optimistic *
1 point
 Fat; having a large, bulky body *
1 point
 A sickness or unhealthy condition *
1 point
The Sanctuary was ______, with no luxuries to be found. *
1 point
Thor does not care that his long hair is slightly ______; he loves it and does not care what others think! *
1 point
Tracy found it extremely ______ that all the lights were green on the way to work since he was running very late. *
1 point
Santa Claus is known to have a jolly, ________ belly which makes him look warm and welcoming. *
1 point
The farmers did not expect ________ soil considering the draught they just went through. *
1 point
Write a sentence about Frankenstein using the word or forms of the word "vehement": *
1 point
Write a sentence about Frankenstein using the word or forms of the word "malady": *
1 point
Write a sentence about Frankenstein using the word or forms of the word "jocund": *
1 point
Write a sentence about Frankenstein using the word or forms of the word "vitiate": *
1 point
Write a sentence about Frankenstein using the word or forms of the word "nuance": *
1 point
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