PS234 Family Contact Information
This is one central form to be used by the Parent Coordinator and PTA to collect contact information from families. The information collected will be used to keep everyone informed of school events and other important news/information via emails, texts and mail.
メールアドレス *
Parent/Guardian(s) Name(s) *
Phone number *
Additional Phone number *
Do you give us (Mr. Brown and the PTA) permission to send you text message alerts? They will be sent via the Remind App. *
Email you want to have receive all messages from school. *
Additional Email *
Mailing Address
Which model is your family participating in Blended Cohort A, Blended Cohort B or 100% Remote? *
Child 1 Name and Grade
Child 2 Name and Grade
Child 3 Name and Grade
Child 4 Name and Grade
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