Application form - /r/Eredivisie Mod
We’re looking for new moderators. Because /r/Eredivisie has grown rapidly during the World Cup and some moderators are not as active anymore, we cannot always keep up with moderating. You might have seen some more comments/posts that break the rules slip through.

Please fill in this form if you're interested in becoming a moderator for our subreddit. 
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Reddit Username *
Please select all below situations that apply to you *
What do you enjoy most at /r/eredivisie? *
Are you an active moderator of a subreddit *
If yes, please add the subreddit(s) you moderate.
On average, how much time per week do you think you can spend moderating? *
What can you add as a moderator to the team? *
For example: moderating comments/posts for quality, styling the subreddit, managing the wiki
If you could change, add or remove a rule on the subreddit, what would it be and why? *
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