OHS Cambridge Application for 2024-2025
For Students New to Cambridge in '24-'25.  Any grade level may apply.  Current Overton Students Already in Cambridge Need Not Re-Apply.  Overton is not an open-zone school.  You must be zoned to OHS or get a special transfer from MNPS to attend.
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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Grade Level for 2024-2025 School Year *
Email Address *
Home Phone Number *
School You Attended in 2023-2024 School Year *
School You Attended in 2023-2024 If Not Named Above
High School You are Zoned to Attend *
Parent #1 Name *
Parent #1 Phone Number *
Parent #1 Email *
Parent #2 Name
Parent #2 Phone Number
Parent #2 Email
I understand that the Cambridge Program is a highly challenging, advanced academics program and that Cambridge students must maintain high academic standards, be self-motivated, and have strong study habits. *
I understand that completing homework is a regular expectation in Cambridge classes and that there may be summer assignments for some Cambridge courses. *
I agree to maintain academic honesty and integrity and to follow the guidelines and expectations of the Cambridge Program. *
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