Creators Union (Phase 1) - Submitted Form
🎁 Every participant has the chance to win rewards!!!

⏰ Time: Mar 25th, 2022 10:00am - Apr 11th, 2022 00:00am (UTC)

✏️ Works Form: Articles, videos, designs, etc.

💰 Work Rewards:
1. Eligible Works Rewards:
Each qualified work will be rewarded with project tokens, freemint NFT, etc., and the value is up to 200 USDT.
2. Rank Rewards:
Top 10 works will have extra rewards to the creators. Please read the specific score rules on @RealResearchDAO

Join our Creators Union channel on Discord to know more:

More information on Twitter:

Details of the event here:
Iniciar sesión en Google para guardar lo que llevas hecho. Más información
Name *
Email *
Telegram ID *
Discord ID *
Choose the project you created for *
Choose the works form *
The Work Published Link *
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