Our Pearls For Girls - Ambassador Sign Up Sheet 
Thank you for your willingness to serve as an ambassador for Our Pearls for Girls!

With your support, we can positively impact girls & women across the globe; Preparing and Empowering, Achievers, Rising Leaders, and Scholars - P.E.A.R.L.S

Please complete the form below so we can reach out and have you serving in no time!
Email *
First Name  *
Last Name *
Date of Birth
E-mail address *
Telephone Number *
Where are you located (Country, State, and City as applicable)? *
Current Role *
Please introduce yourself by providing a brief bio. Share your practice expertise, community involvement, and passions. Be sure to let us know what drives you. *
Why are you interested in becoming an Ambassador for Our Pearls for Girls and how would you like to serve? *
Blog Name & URL
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